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How do you store cells in liquid nitrogen tanks?

Add time:2019-07-01 17:41:57 Views:1509 times

 How to store cells in liquid nitrogen tanks? Generally speaking, the steps of cryopreservation affect the viability of cells during recovery. Therefore, when using liquid nitrogen tanks to store cells, care should be taken and steps should be taken:

1. Pre-prepared cryopreservation solution: 10% DMSO + 90% fetal bovine serum, 4 C refrigerator for pre-cooling;

2. Digestion of cells with trypsin: Pour out the culture medium in the culture bottle or suck carefully the culture medium in the culture plate with a gun, rinse the cells twice with PBS, and digest the cells with trypsin (as mild as possible);

3. The cells were suspended in the complete culture medium again. The pre-cooled cryopreservation solution was added to the digested cells. The cells were gently beaten and blended with dropper.

4. Add 1 ml cell fluid into each cryopreservation tube and mark the cryopreservation cell name and date after sealing.

5. The delicacy of the freezing process is directly related to the vitality of the cells during recovery. If there is a programmed cooler (put in the refrigerator at - 80 C overnight, put in the liquid nitrogen tank is the best; or it can be at 4 C, 2 hours);

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